In a dazzling turn of events, the esteemed global Fintech entrepreneur, Dave Van Niekerk, shared a momentous meeting with His Majesty King Mswati III at the regal Lozitha Palace last night. This encounter, shrouded in secrecy and respect for local authorities, unfolded in a manner that stirred anticipation and curiosity among many.
Van Niekerk, a seasoned serial entrepreneur, with an impressive track record boasting over two decades of experience in banking, microfinance, corporate, and executive management, maintained a cloak of confidentiality regarding the details of his discourse with the King when he was contacted by The Bridge this morning for an interview. Van Niekerk simply said a wide variety of matters were discussed and that it was not his place to share them.
“I thoroughly enjoyed meeting His Majesty, enjoyed his wit, his sense of humour, and his directness,” said Van Niekerk.
Widely acknowledged in the Pan-African business arena for founding MyBucks, a pioneering fintech company operating across 13 countries in Africa, Europe, and Australia, Van Niekerk has earned himself the title of an accomplished and visionary entrepreneur. As the South African Business Day once dubbed him "SA's own Branson" on May 15, 2008, Dave's influence in the financial landscape is undeniable. His expertise extends to strategic and operational management, change management, financial control, and a keen involvement in addressing both strategic and operational challenges.
Yet, despite his illustrious career, Dave faced a peculiar situation. He found himself unable to travel in and out of eSwatini due to a Red Notice court order obtained by ESW Investment Group, linked to the E340 million Ecsponent Limited controversy. In multiple interviews, Van Niekerk vehemently asserted his non-involvement in the Ecsponent Group of companies.
"I was neither a director nor part of the management of Ecsponent Limited and was therefore not in any way involved in the Ecsponent Group of companies and its holding company, Ecsponent Limited (now Afristrat). They simply acquired the business I founded and listed in Germany - ‘MyBucks,’” clarified Dave in a prior article with The Bridge. He went on to say, “They are now playing the blame game and looking for a scapegoat, even attacking the regulator in desperation.”
Van Niekerk is also a permanent shareholder in Status Capital Building Society in which he invested E5 million. His legal representative, Craig Asheton–Smith, recently faced setbacks when denied an opportunity to present on Dave Van Niekerk’s behalf, before the Status Capital Building Society's Special General Meeting. Reports suggested that Asheton–Smith aimed to propose the resignation of the Wandile Mtshali-led Board, advocating for the appointment of a new board by the members.
A matter of contention for Van Niekerk was that representatives of ESW and their attorneys were present at this meeting.
A former Board Chairperson of Status Capital, Dave Van Niekerk has expressed his desire to reclaim directorship after members in the July Annual General Meeting re-elected him to the board to come and fix the Building Society.
“I believe that management and the board should step down and allow me to inject new capital and take the building society into the digital age,” said Dave in previous reports, adding that he was ready to fix what he referred to as things that were detrimental to the society members.
In an exclusive revelation, The Bridge can confirm that the erudite Global Fintech entrepreneur arrived in the country yesterday afternoon through the KM III International Airport, engaging in an impactful conversation with His Majesty King Mswati III at the Lozitha Palace. His departure this morning, through the same airport, marked the conclusion of this momentous encounter, leaving the public intrigued about the potential positive ripple effects on the business and legal landscape.